As of 08.15.2009, Amazon has requested that all API calls be signed to contact their servers. Thus, you'll need to download version 1.5 of Create CoverSearch to be able to download covers from Amazon servers.
Help on Create CoverSearch
Quick guide
Downloading and Installing
Starting up / Configuration
Searching for covers
Saving covers
Advanced guide
Using regular expressions (regex)
Quick guide
Downloading and Installing
Welcome to Create CoverSearch ! To use create CoverSearch, you need to download the program first. To do so, go to the Download Page an automated offline installer (all users), or a zip file (advanced users - no install needed). An automated online installer (for users of Internet Explorer) is available from
You're done ! Create COversearch should have been installed without problems. Otherwise, contact me at createcorpsoftware(@) (remove brackets)
Starting up / Configuration
One launched, the program displays the main window. Normally, the default configuration perfectly suits a typical use, but you can access the setting by clicking 'Settings' button, in the bottom-right corner of the window.
Once ready, click the '...' button to choose the base folder of your library : for example, if your music is stored in "My DOcuments\My music", select this folder and click Ok. Finally, click 'Find directories missing album art' to get a list of folders missing covers
A list will be created of all the folders which contain music files, without containing cover art files. You can aditionaly set the maximum size in pixels of cover files.
Searching for covers
To search for a cover, double-click the corresponding folder, or select it and click 'Search for a cover illustration'. A list of results is displayed in the right part of the window.
Saving covers
Finally, to save a cover file, double-click it. The file is saved to the name specified in the settings panel, and the corresponding entry, removed from the list of folders missing album art.
Advanced guide
Using regular expressions (regex)
Create CoverSearch guesses album name and artist name based on the structure of your foder tree. That is, it analyses the path to every folder to determine the name of the corresponding artist and album.
To do this, it applies a 'regular expression' scheme to every folder name : for example, suppose the path is:
C:\Music\Scorpions\Eye To Eye
And the regular expression:
The corresponding match is deduced:
... \$artist \$album
C:\Music \Scorpions \Eye To Eye
The related artist name would be Scorpions, and album name Eye To Eye.
Note that you can also use the $dummy operator to remove a part of the string
For example:
... \$artist - $album [$dummy]
C:\Music \Scorpions - Eye To Eye [1999]
This way, from C:\Music\Scorpions - Eye To Eye [1999] you get Artist: Sorpions and Album: Eye to Eye